Monday, August 29, 2011

Warning to our members..... You may wish to edit if you are reading out loud....

Storms...all kinds of storms. There are hail storms, ice storms, your basic thunder storm. Then you have Desert Storm, The Perfect Storm and Brain Storm. Here is one from your Farmer...

Riding back to the house at night on the ATV, Roland running alongside. As I ride into the big barn my head lamp shines up to the rafters and frightens a flock of wild turkeys which proceed to fly straight at me to get out of the barn (they could have gone the other way, but no). As they come upon me they take a severe turn upward and altogether let fly their bowels. You guessed it… The perfect shit storm. I was pelted from head to toe, along with my trusted companion, Roland. I yelled out "holy shit" realized what I said, started laughing and I kid you not, Roland flipped over, did the dog wiggle on his back and I swear he said "that's what I'm talking about!"

We showered, honest....!

Time to order your turkeys...we ran out last year...

Your Farmer,
"Tara Shit Storm Smith"(sort of has a nice ring to it).