Notes from Your Farmer
Want to Hear From You!
topic is organic food. The question is:
do you think only 1% of the population buys organic food (albeit growing)”.
are some thoughts to get you thinking down the right track and engaging people
you know to find out their/your thoughts (assuming that you have this figured
out for yourself)…
“It costs too
1lb of steak purchased in the grocery store will cost you $815. A small
portion is paid at the checkout stand and the rest is in taxes to the farm
bill, health care and environmental cleanup.
is a 15 minute animation and all of the statistic references below the video.
Our steak will
cost you $20 all in. No taxes, all healthy, sustainable and
regenerative. Many people have said they
save money as they don’t eat out as much during the month. Health Care costs, if we eat more greens,
less meat (even less of the good stuff and no one needs to eat a 12oz steak for
dinner), the assumption is lower health
care costs, right?
“It is too
Seems like that when we face change. Nobody likes change if it is not
solving a painful (financial, physical or emotional) experience. It has
to be one of those 3 for us to change something and unfortunately the “painful”
part comes in a stressful way. Whether it is needing to diet, cut back
spending, end a relationship or mend one. In the case of our food
choices, for most of us, we are not in a painful place. More of an
annoyed place but not enough to do anything about it. (and don’t forget
plain old “apathy”)
love going to the grocery store to walk through the aisles, stand in the lines,
pack it up to my car, put it in, take is out, unpack it at home, put more bags
into the mess I store them in…ugh…OR I could pick up my bag of meat, box
of veggies once a week and go home.
decision as to what to have for dinner is in my fridge or freezer.
I mention saving money, eating healthy with friends and good wine at home?
are my two discussion starters…what are yours?
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